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Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Top 5 Ways To Make Money Month After Month

The most important thing you can ever do for your business is create a residual (also called recurring) income. By doing this you're allowing yourself to put some work in for your income, and then putting in just a little bit of continual work to keep it going.

Who doesn't want to work just a little to keep an income where you want it?

This is what having an Internet business is based on.

Working less to make more, so you have time to enjoy life, and not have to keeping working a J.O.B (just over broke).

So, what are the first things you need to do to create your recurring income?

Here's a great plan to get you started...

1. Take a look at your options:

There are several ways to create a residual income. You can...

* Create a membership site

* Promote a membership site as an affiliate

* Find different affiliate programs that pay recurring commissions

* Start a service that you provide

* And so much more

2. Pick on option and create a plan to implement it:

For instance if I wanted to promote a membership site in a niche that I enjoy. I'd search for a membership site I could promote, plan out how to promote it, and then plan how to get traffic.

I'd get it all setup, get traffic to it, and work on it until I got it to the income I wanted, and then just work a little here and there to keep the income level where I got it.

The key here is to pick on thing and focus on it!

3. Keep rinsing and repeating...

Once you get on stream of recurring income coming in, you'll need to start on your next one. There's nothing worse than putting all your eggs in once basket, and watching your entire income be taken away from you.

So make sure you're setting up multiple streams of recurring income.

That's really all there is to it!

If you need help getting started, there is a great course out called Monthly Money Sites.

This is a step-by-step course that takes you through 6 different lessons on creating a residual-income that pays you even when you're not working!

This is the real deal, and you'll be shown by a recurring income expert exactly how to create multiple streams of recurring income quickly and easily...

Now it's time for you to take action by visiting Monthly Money Sites. Creating multiple streams of recurring income will be the best thing you ever do for your business, and will also allow you to work less, make more, and spend more time doing the things you love.

Get started today on that dream lifestyle!


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